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Active Wellbeing Survey

We're inviting residents from across the Forest of Dean to have their say on leisure opportunities in the district, with a consultation starting 21 January 2025 and running until 23 February 2025. 

We're reviewing how our sport and leisure offering across the district meets the needs, and delivers health and wellbeing benefits, for residents in local communities. The review will support the creation of an Active Wellbeing Strategy and will shape the way services are delivered in the future and to support the wellbeing of communities. 

The online survey is part of this review to understand how facilities are used and community attitudes towards physical activity.

Have your say: Active Wellbeing Survey

Survey responses are anonymous and will help the Council understand any barriers that may prevent residents from being more physically active, and what can be done to help overcome these.

The aim is for equal access for all to encourage thriving and active communities. 

This consultation is open until the 23 February 2025.