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  4. Protecting children and vulnerable adults

Protecting children and vulnerable adults

Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. It is the responsibility of protection agencies to determine whether or not a child or adult has been abused. It is our responsibility to report any concerns we have.

If you have a concern please do something about it, don’t assume someone else has already done it. Your intervention could make a difference to someone’s life.

Gloucestershire County Council assesses all situations where concerns have been raised about the safety of a child or vulnerable adult. More information is available from the Gloucestershire Safeguarding Children Partnership website or for adults from the Gloucestershire Safeguarding Adults Board website.

Report safeguarding concerns

If you are concerned about the immediate safety of a child or adult, please contact the Police on 101 at any time. In an emergency call 999.

Report concerns about a child

If you are worried that a child may be suffering or at risk or significant harm you can:

Report concerns about an adult

If you suspect an adult is being neglected, harmed or suffering domestic abuse you can:

Internet safety

The not-for-profit website Internet Matters, acts as a portal for parents to find important information about online safety for their children, and protect them against online dangers.

It contains a number of advisory pages, apps, tools and informative resources within the framework of 'Learn about it, Talk about it, Deal with it', such as:

  • E-safety advice for parents of children of all ages
  • information on a range of topics including cyberbullying, avoiding inappropriate content and protecting a child's online reputation
  • advice on how children can stay safe when chatting, gaming and using social networks online

Reporting a poor standard of care

If you are unhappy with your care or know someone not being cared for properly you can report it by:

Early help for children, young people and families

If you have concerns and would like further information you can find guidance on a whole range of issues including food fads, self-harm, bullying and safety from the Gloucestershire Families Directory.