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  4. Road closures

Road closures

When roads are closed we may not be able to collect your waste and recycling as planned. When we receive prior notice of a closure from Gloucestershire Highways, we will try and get to your road earlier in the day and before it is closed (unless a full road closure is in operation). However, we are currently experiencing a high number of road closures in the district so this isn’t always possible. If we can’t collect your waste we will not be able to return until your road reopens.

Advice if your road is closed:

  • Take your containers to an accessible point beyond the closure (if safe to do so). Recycling can be taken to one of the local recycling bank sites (listed here) or kept until the next collection.
  • If we have been unable to empty your black bin, households will be able to present up to 3 bags of rubbish beside their wheeled bin on their next collection.
  • If we have been unable to empty your garden waste bin, please contact our customer services team who can send out garden waste sacks to make up for the missed collection.
  • Please let us know if we’ve missed you using the Report A Missed Collection form here.

Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused but road closures are outside of our control.