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Community grants and funding

Health and Exercise Grant

This is a one-off fund which seeks to build the capacity of the local workforce to enable the expansion of community exercise provision in the district.

Applicants to this fund must be exercise providers who already have the appropriate baseline of knowledge/training who are looking to increase community exercise provision for people at risk of/who have long term health conditions in the Forest of Dean.

The Forest of Dean District Council delivers an exercise referral scheme, supporting people with long term conditions to exercise safely. We want to enhance this provision and allow community partners to reach more people locally. We’re particularly interested in applications to support cardiovascular and respiratory health conditions, plus provision for older adults.

All applicants are advised to talk to Matthew George, Community Health and Exercise coordinator, before submitting an application on 01594 812408 or email

The Community Warm Space Grant 2023 to 2024

This funding is to help communities initiate projects and support pilot schemes responding to the Cost of Living Crisis and warm spaces including community lunch clubs and strengthen local communities. The funding is managed by the Forest of Dean District Council on behalf of the Forest of Dean Integrated Locality Partnership.

Applications are now welcome and will be considered on a first come basis and funds will be available until depleted.

In order to support your application you can contact the Community Team on 01594 81000 or email to discuss your project before submitting your application so that we can better understand your aims before it is evaluated against the criteria.

It is essential that you read the Guidance Notes before completing the application form.

We will be receiving applications by email only – if you feel this will affect your ability to complete a form then please call on the number above.

Arts and sports funding opportunities

Residents who are part of a sports or arts club may be interested in finding out more about applying for grants and funding through various sources to help support their projects.

Applications for funding can be based on several different criteria including, but not limited to: visual art projects, projects that support collaboration between arts organisations and schools, community-led tree planting projects and those that seek to assist with the reduction of anti-social behaviour in the area.

Other grants

To find out about other funding opportunities:

Closed grants

Community Grant 2024 to 2025

Applications closed at 4pm on Friday 14 June 2024.

The Community Lunch Club Grant

This was a one-off fund for not for profit voluntary and community groups to help communities initiate projects and support pilot schemes responding to the Cost of Living crisis and warm spaces around community lunch or supper clubs through an asset based and sustainable approach.

This programme is about improving the resilience of the community as a whole, promoting equality and diversity instead of highlighting inequalities, and people caring for each other no matter their background and the sharing of resources.

Community Space Grants 2024

Forest of Dean District Council allocated over £100,000 from the government's Rural England Prosperity Fund towards improvements to village halls and community buildings. Find out more about the community space grants here.

Community Grants 2023 to 2024

The 2023 to 2024 Community Grants are now closed. If you have any queries please contact Lena Maller, Community Delivery Lead, 01594 812609 or email

Below is a link to the Community Grants 2023 to 2024 projects that have been funded:

Voluntary and community sector fund 2023 to 2026

Applications against this funding are now closed. The deadline for responses for applications was 14:00 on Friday 9 December 2022.

This fund commissions services, projects and activities that benefit the local community and helps to deliver against the district council’s corporate priorities. There is £140,022 available annually, split against four funds which are:

  • A. Advice (supporting people to have access to good advice services)
  • B. Active Living and Supporting Older People (older people’s health and wellbeing is improved by taking part in activities, older people are not isolated/lonely)
  • C. Mental Health and Wellbeing Support for Young People and their Families (young people have access to consistent counselling support; young carers have access to a good support network, families with young children have access to a network of support in challenges times)
  • D. Volunteering Support (formal and informal) including training for individuals and community groups. The community sector has access to good funding advice, support and training 

Voluntary and community sector fund 2022 to 2023

10 organisations have been awarded a total of £140,022. This funding will support the delivery of services, projects and activities that benefit the local community and help to deliver the council's corporate priorities. 

Organisations funded:

Voluntary and community sector fund 2019 to 2022

11 organisations have been awarded a total of £140,022 per year for a period of three years. This funding will support the delivery of services, projects and activities that benefit the local community and help to deliver the council's corporate priorities. 

Organisations funded:

Community Safety Partnership Grant 2019 to 2020

The Forest of Dean Community Safety Partnership (CSP) works to support safety in the community.

Projects that received a Community Safety Partnership Grant in 2019 to 2020:

Community Defibrillator Grant 2015 to 2020

Parishes, wards and towns receiving a Community Defibrillator Grant in 2015 to 2020: