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Local plan supporting information

Local Development Scheme

We are developing a new Local Plan for the Forest of Dean district, which will replace the current Local Development Framework.

The Local Development Scheme (LDS) is our timetable for preparing the new Local Plan and other Local Plan documents.

This planning process has already begun and is expected to run until 2027, when a new Local Plan is scheduled to be adopted, which will guide and control development in the district up to the year 2041.

The process will involve extensive evidence gathering as well as several opportunities for community and stakeholder consultation.

The evidence and reports used for the current local plan are on the evidence base page.

Brownfield land is defined by government in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) glossary as “Previously developed land”. The register contains all of the information required by government legislation, but if you wish to discuss any of the sites in more detail email

The data is provided under the Open Government Licence.

We are updating the Residential design guide for further information and to get involved see: Developing our new residential design guide

The Statement of Community Involvement sets out how we will involve the community in preparing and revising all local planning documents and in making decisions on planning applications and other related applications.

This is the method we use to identify land which may be suitable for future housing development in the future. Each year we ask people to submit suitable sites.

The Sustainability Appraisal process examines how the emerging Local Plan performs against stated environmental, social and economic objectives. There are a number of stages to help decide which policy alternatives are most suitable.

Infrastructure Funding Statement

Paragraph 175 of the National Planning Practice Guidance requires local authorities who have received developer contributions to publish a statement. The IFS will be published annually, and provide a summary of all financial and non-financial developer contributions relating to Section 106s within the District. It will include a statement of infrastructure projects that Forest of Dean District Council intends to, or may be, wholly or partly funded by Section 106.

Planning and development charter

The planning and development charter ensures that our approach to planning is fit for purpose, and will help inform planning decisions and investment.