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Supplementary planning documents

Supplementary planning documents (SPD) and guidance notes are additional to the local plan. They provide more detail on some policies and you should take them into account when making a planning application.

Affordable Housing

The affordable housing SPD provides detailed guidance on how we will deliver affordable housing. We need to increase the delivery of affordable housing in the Forest of Dean to meet the large level of local need, which is mainly for affordable rented accommodation.

The Affordable housing SPD has been reviewed to ensure that it meets relevant national planning policy and guidance and adopted local plan policy. It replaces the previous SPD adopted in 2010 and will supplement Joint Core Strategy policy CSP5 housing.

The SPD was the subject of a consultation in summer 2019 (summary of representations and officer responses to public consultation).

Design and building guides

The purpose of the guides is to make applicants more aware of the policies and approach adopted by us on the design and layout of residential developments, extensions and alterations. Using these guides means that the planning process will be quicker and more efficient.


The document sets out important principles relating to the environment and more specifically, the landscape. The guidance should be used to inform anyone with an interest in development, planning or design. The Landscape Character Assessment also has information on how to take landscape into account in planning applications. When considering all planning proposals, applications and appeals this SPD will be taken into account by the District Council and other decision makers.

Vacant building credit

This documents provides guidance on the our approach to implementing the provisions in the National Planning Practice Guidance on the Vacant Building Credit.