Cabinet roles and responsibilities
Role of a Cabinet member
Cabinet members are responsible for:
- leading on developing council policy and make recommendations to the Cabinet
- providing guidance to the Cabinet on developments within the portfolio
- giving guidance to the Cabinet on budget priorities
- monitoring performance and make sure policy is delivered
- leading on improving council services
- making sure that activities meet the council's overall vision, core values and guiding principles
- contributing to debate and decision-making
- working with councillors who are not members of the Cabinet, members of the opposition and officers to make sure that the overview and scrutiny process works correctly
- appearing before and responding to overview and scrutiny committee reports
- representing the council at a national and local level
Each Cabinet member is the spokesperson for the policy area or 'portfolio' they are responsible for:
Leader and Cabinet Member for Strategy and Built Environment - Adrian Birch
Portfolio responsibilities
- Policy and Strategy
- Performance management
- Governance
- Planning and Housing
Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance - Andy Moore
Portfolio responsibilities
- Finance and investments
- Waste and recycling
- Risk management
Cabinet Member for Environment - Jackie Fraser
Portfolio responsibilities
- Biodiversity emergency
- Nature recovery
- Environmental health
- Flooding
- Licensing
Cabinet Member for Economy - Johnathan Lane
Portfolio responsibilities
- Sustainable economy
- Market towns
- Regeneration
- Business support and employment
- Tourism
Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency - Chris McFarling
Portfolio responsibilities
- Climate Emergency
- Energy
- Biosphere
- Active travel
Cabinet Member for Property and Projects - Sid Phelps
Portfolio responsibilities
- Property and asset management
- Project management
Cabinet Member for Thriving Communities - Jackie Dale
Portfolio responsibilities
- Community wellbeing, safety and enablement
- Leisure, Arts, Culture, Heritage
- Council communications
- Community grants