Your feedback matters
In December 2018, the Forest of Dean District Council declared a climate emergency, committing to making the district carbon neutral by 2030. This reflects our dedication to tackling climate change and improving sustainability.
As part of the Climate Emergency Strategy and Action Plan (2022–2025), we conducted a resident survey on walking and cycling. The results highlighted the need for feasibility studies on new cycle and walking routes, the role of active travel in shaping the Local Plan, and opportunities for government funding.
To gain a clearer understanding of active travel in the district, we commissioned Stantec to carry out a study.
Learn more about Active Travel here.
The proposals
This strategy is shaped by resident feedback and aims to assess the current cycle network, identify areas for improvement, and develop an infrastructure plan that makes walking, wheeling, and cycling safer and more accessible.
This consultation includes three key components:
- Project Report – A detailed analysis of data and methodology used to draft the network.
- Desired Network Map – Key connections between important destinations, with primary and secondary routes for active travel.
- Potential Route Alignments & Improvements – A broad list of existing and potential new routes for future assessment and consultation.
It’s important to note that these documents do not commit the Council to implementing all (or any) proposed routes. Instead, they provide an early-stage vision to guide funding bids, feasibility studies, and further local engagement, including with landowners where required.
View the report, network and route improvements
Why we need your views
Your feedback is essential in shaping this strategy and securing government funding for active travel improvements. By sharing your thoughts, you can help us design better, safer, and more accessible routes that work for everyone.
How to take part
📝 Complete our short survey – Share your travel habits and feedback on our plans.
Take the survey now!📍 Attend a drop-in session – Meet us in person to discuss your views.
- Location and date
What Happens Next?
The information gathered will be used to refine the strategy, prioritise improvements, and guide future funding applications. Stay informed by following updates on our website and social media.