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Flood warnings, report flooding, sandbags, cleaning up after a flood, watercourses and ditches, blocked drains and sewers
Report a full litter or dog waste bin, dog fouling or littering, find out when we clean the streets
What to do about noise and pollution, air quality reports and pest control services
Fly-tipping is the illegal dumping of items. Find out how you can report and prevent it
Report graffiti or fly-posting and help prevent it
Report an abandoned vehicle, check if a vehicle is taxed
What to do if you see a shopping trolley abandoned in the district
How to complain about food premises and items of food
Energy efficiency, affordable warmth and our strategy to reduce emissions
Lost and found dogs, animal control
Check a food hygiene rating, how businesses are rated and how to improve a rating
Funerals, cremations, public health funerals and information on council owned cemeteries
Register your private water supply, risk assessments, nitrate levels, supply fees and water quality
Grass cutting, protected trees, tree maintenance, hedges and invasive weeds
What a biosphere is, what the Council is doing about making the Forest of Dean a biosphere reserve
© Forest of Dean District Council 2025