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  4. Our current Local Plan

Our current Local Plan

The current Local Plan consists of a number of documents, which set out an overall strategy to guide development across the District until 2026. It guides future development and sets out policies, against which planning applications are considered.

The proposals are available to view in map format.

Interactive local plan policies map

Cinderford Northern Quarter

Cinderford Northern Quarter Area Action Plan

The Cinderford Regeneration Board started working on an Area Action Plan for Cinderford's Northern Quarter in 2008. The plan was adopted by the District Council on 23 February 2012.

It provides the blueprint for regeneration so it can improve the area for residents and business, and attract investment.

The Area Action Plan was subject to a legal challenge in May 2013. The challenge was successfully defended by the District Council. A copy of the judgement is available to download.

Sustainability appraisal

Core Strategy

The adopted Core Strategy is the principal document in the new Local Plan for the Forest of Dean. It contains the following key elements:

  • an overall vision setting out how the district and places within it should evolve
  • strategic objectives for the area focusing on key issues including housing and employment (housing numbers and distribution is updated by the Allocations Plan)

Core strategy sustainability appraisal

An appraisal was carried out to assess the Local Plan against a set of sustainability objectives.

Withdrawn documents

The Lydney Area Action Plan has been withdrawn.